Festival of hearing and chanting 
31.7. - 4.8.2024

HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami
HG Manidhara Prabhu
HG Bhagavata-dharma Prabhu
and others

Spiritual festival at our farm. For more information contact:
Krsna Parayani devi dasi: - + 420 774 544 718‬

Please register yourself as soon as possible so we can help you with accommodation - especially if you are from abroad. Our capacity for accommodation is limited. Devotees are also going to sleep in tents or arrange their hotels themselves.

We are trying to create strong devotional atmosphere at our camp. Therefore everyone  should be present at all spiritual programs. At our camp you do not have to pay, but you have to attend all spiritual programs and participate in practical services (cutting vegetables, washing pots, cleaning the floor, etc.). Mothers (or fathers) with young children and young children themselves are exceptions from compulsory activities. We will also have a separate program for children during seminars so parents can be a little freer for hearing and chanting.


Please register by filling in this form (it takes max. 2 minutes). Alternatively you can also register yourself by writing an email to  Krishna Parajani devi dasi -
In the email please provide: 
- Names and age of participants
- Days for which you are going to come
- Your phone number (ideally whatsapp or telegram)
- If you want to stay in the ashram or a tent or you are going to arrange your accommodation yourself

will be excellent, vegetarian, Krishna prasadam. 

Conditions for accommodation on our farm are limited. Nonetheless, we are constantly working on their improvement. Limited number of guests can stay in our ashrams for men and for ladies. Those who register sooner will have preference. Another option is to have your own tent and place it on our meadow. Another option is to arrange your own accommodation in hotels in surrounding villages. If you need an assistance, mention it in your registration e-mail. Accommodation in hotels is paid by everyone individually.

On our farm there are composting toilets, so please detach yourself from the city comfort and enjoy the village comfort. Please do not waste water while you are taking bath or do some washing. We never had a problem with scarcity of water in our wells nonetheless such a big gathering can easily make it happen.

Another thing to consider is that at our farm there is a limited approach to electricity. Many buildings are intentionally built without electricity. It is good to have your own torchlight and maybe have your own source for charging your phone etc. Or you can just give up your phone for these days. Signal here is anyway very weak.

We accept voluntary donations and sponsorship. Please be generous! No fixed fee. If you are poor, give little, if you are rich, give a lot :-). 

From your donations these items will be payed: 
- vegetable - preferably from devotees living at Nava Gokula
- milk - mostly from our cows
- wheat flour from Krsnuv dvur farm
- other foodstuffs
- other expenditures connected with running a camp (firewood, fuel for cars, festival building preparations and adjustments etc.)
- whatever extra money will be received, it will be used for development of Nava Gokula farm. We will responsibly use donations of any astronomic value.

- Recommended (orientational) contribution amount is 20 Eur per day for a person.

- Your donations are welcome to be sent in advance to this account: 
number: 2069128036/3030 
IBAN:  CZ48 2010 0000 0029 0223 1077
Note: camp

- To participate in all spiritual programs. Exceptions are mentioned above.
- Follow four regulative principles and chant on beads (ideally 16 rounds)
- Do not bring here any commercially produced foodstuffs, sweets, bakery items etc. 
- Limit your use of electronics and gadgets. Please do not use your smartphone in temple room.
- No electronics in the hands of children (tablets, smartphones, videogames, electronic toys etc.). Also do not bring any plastic toys or strenge toys to our farm. If you use these for your children, let these items stay at home for this occasion. Children will have enough of engagements here in natural setting. 
- Devotees should wear traditional vaishnava dress (dhoti, sari) and tilak. Those who are new to Krishna consciousness dress in a dress that decently covers your body (no short skirts etc.)


5:00 Mangala arati
5:40 Japa
7:30 Deity greetings
8:00 Lecture
9.00 Breakfast
9:30 Services
12:00 Lecture
13:30 Services, free time, sadhu sanga
14:00 Lunch
15:00 Services, free time, sadhu sanga
17:00 Lecture
19:00 Gaura arati
19:45 Presentation, Lecture or prolonged kirtan or alternative program
20:30 Hot milk


Car: put this address into your navigation - Skavsko 520, Morkovice-Slížany - you can't miss it
Bus: To Strilky or Morkovice. We will pick you up there. 
Train: To Ivanovice na Hane. We will pick you up there. 

If you need to be picked up, mention it please in your registration email.

For more information or assistance please contact:
Krsna Parayani devi dasi: - + 420 774 544 718‬