Another hectare of land

325 000 CZK
325 000 CZK

Our farm now owns 5,5 hectars of arable land and pastures. 5% of this in the paying off process. Also we rent other hectar as pasture. Some of you donated on it's fencing off. Other hectar in the surroundings is an important step forward for us. Although we don't have any funds for buying it we already got our first sponsors. We lack only a few thousands CZK. You can help us it.

list of contributors

31.10.2019 Prabhupád Bhavan 25 000 CZK
9.9.2019 Stanislav Pešák 50 000 CZK
31.8.2019 Peter Hropko 250 000 CZK

We thank a lot all our
contributors for thier support.