Arrangements for the first Janmastami

455 000 CZK
455 000 CZK

In the middle of June we have been infromed by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami, that he would like to come to celebrate Janmastami with us. At that time we did not have a proper place to celebrate it and we have been considering to rent a hall in Brno.  But finally we have decided to built new temple room and other necessary things at our farm Nava Gokula. It was two months of marathon for all devotees from Nava Gokula, Prabhupad Bhavan and our wellwishers. Devotees also donated generously. By our combined effort we have been able to create beautiful festival hall, traditional kitchen for cooking on opened fire, loft accomodation for Maharaja etc. Everything was ready just on last minute. Final week devotees were working day and night nonstop.

All invsetments are longterm investments and farm will benefit from them in upcoming festivals and development. 

Festival hall - temple room 150 000 CZK
Outside traditional kitchen 30 000 CZK
Loft in a family house (accomodation for Maharaja) 230 000 CZK
Other (mataji asram, bathrooms, etc.) 40 000 CZK

list of contributors

23.8.2018 Madan Mohan 40 000 CZK
22.8.2018 Muktakéša dás (Michal Bárta) 50 000 CZK
22.8.2018 Trojánkovi 50 000 CZK
15.8.2018 Prabhupád Bhavan 100 000 CZK
8.8.2018 Ivan Kainrath 30 000 CZK
5.8.2018 Roman Bauer 30 000 CZK
15.7.2018 Jan Odehnal 55 000 CZK
1.7.2018 Kanái Thákur (Jakub Badáň) 100 000 CZK

We thank a lot all our
contributors for thier support.